First- Let's look at how a camera can focus. Take a look at these two sets of photos. The first shows a lot of detail. Your eyes naturally want to take everything in - all the flowers, the trees in the background, where direct sunlight hits vs. where there are shadows. It's as if there's a distant lens showing us everything all at once.

Now take a look at the second set of photos. Do you naturally still look everywhere, or are your eyes drawn in to focus on one specific flower? What happened to the rest? It's all still there. It's still beautiful. You just switched to a soft, close-up lens.

Sometimes in life...
we need to choose our lens.
As you are facing divorce, whether in front of you, right beside you, and one day behind you, choose your lens to determine your focus.
Often times we need help staying present and taking things one step at a time, one foot in front of the other - use our close-up lens to focus on one specific flower and not much else. Other times, we need to use our distant lens, look at the bigger picture and take everything in, in order to make informed decisions for ourselves and our future.
We can change our focus at any moment, but it takes practice to recognize which lens we currently need. If you are struggling to decide, then you most likely need your soft, close-up lens. Focus on one thing at a time.
Take care of yourself.